High Frequency Trading firms that make the decision to invest in Next Generation electronic trading methods know that they must have the best talent that can bolster their strength in one or all of the following four prerequisites to succeding in the "technological race" that is known as Ultra Low Latency or High Frequency Trading.
ULL Regulatory Framework
Executives and Regulatory SMEs who know and understand the chalenges of building and maintaining a trading infrastructure that meets/exceeds financial governance based audits while remaining nimble and competitive.
Algo Trading Development Framework
Quants, Software Developers, and Unix experts who have extensive experience building systematic computerized quantitative trading systems. These builders use a variety of SDLC methodologies tailored to the Algorithmic Trading industry ensuring a "hit the ground running" approach to your trading strategies development cycle.
Technologists who can design, develop, implement, and maintain your state-of-the-art fiber optic or microwave gobal trading infrastructure - whether your focus is proximity hosting (latency sensitive connectivity to exchange matching engines within financial colocation facility), Smart Order Routing (high capacity and low latency direct trading with brokerage firms or exchanges) or "all of the above". Seshaat is brokerage, exchange, and technology agnostic - we focus on the executives and technologists that have the industry experience to bring succsessful High Frequency and Ultra Low Latency Trading solutions to life.
ULL Market Data
Technologists who can design, develop, implement, and maintain every single element of the market data chain - hardware, feedhandlers, frontend software, fiber optic and microwave network connectivity.